Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Setup WordPress On Amazon EC2 : Installation steps with Linux commands cheat sheet

This is a real quick guide to setup WordPress On Amazon EC2. It is a direct result of following a Youtube tutorial on the same subject by a guy named Avishai Sam Bitton, who is the Marketing Director at Imonomy & Founder of Go Social.

The Youtube tutorial by itself was great. In 10 minutes, Avishai shows you how to go from creating a Linux instance to the WordPress admin page. It is done on the Amazon Linux AMI (not Ubuntu or RHEL). The only missing thing is the Linux commands cheat sheet (copy-paste-able) which I will cover in the following paragraphs. I will try to provide maximum information in minimal words.

Here is the actual video and what follows is my notes on the same :

To setup a WordPress blog on the Amazon EC2 infrastructure, you need to know and do the following as a prerequisite:
  • Have Putty and PuttyGen installed (or ready for use)
  • Have basic understanding of Linux concepts and commands. Know how to use putty, and optionally understand security concepts.
  • You should have created an Amazon AWS account. A credit card signup is required even though the basic Linux instance (micro instance) is free for 12-months.
Once you're ok with the above, follow these steps.

Part A

  1. Login to the Amazon AWS console.
  2. Select :  EC2  - Virtual servers in the cloud.
  3. Under Create Instance, click on Launch Instance.
  4. Select Amazon AMI Linux - 64 bit
  5. Check settings. Maintain defaults. Keep clicking next - until you reach the Configure Security Group section.
  6. Click Add Rule twice : 
    • One for the HTTP (port 80) 
    • another for the HTTPS (port 443). 
    • Also add a third one and select Custom TCP port. Enter port 8080 (if your apache or nginx server runs on this port)
    • The SSH rule is already added with port 22.
  7. Click Review and Launch. Click Launch. This opens a dialog to create a new key pair. 
  8. Create a new key pair. Download the pem file to your local folder.
  9. Now click Launch Instance (wait for 5 mins for startup)
  10. In the meantime, convert the pem file to ppk file
    • Windows :  PuttyGen tool, go to Menu->Convert->Import->Save file with ppk extension to your local drive.
    • If you are on Mac, no need to convert. You can use the pem file to login directly using the generated Elastic IP address (steps given below).

Part B

  1. The instance which you launched couple of steps back should now be running(green tick mark)
  2. On the Left pane -> click Elastic IPs -> Allocate New Address -> Yes,Allocate
  3. Right click on the allocated Elastic IP -> Associate Address -> running instance (some 10-character code). Click Associate.
  4. Go to EC2 Dashboard -> Running Instances. Check the Public IP and Elastic IP (both should be same).
  5. Copy the IP address. Open Putty and copy the IP address (say into putty's Host.
  6. Go to SSH->Auth, browse open the converted ppk file. Go back to Session and click Open. Putty's black screen should open up.
    • Windows  : Login as : ec2-user
    • Mac : 
      ssh -i keyfile.pem ec2-user@

Part C - The Linux Commands (aka Cheat Sheet)

Once you've logged in as the ec2-user, type in the below commands one after another.
Note: In all the "install" commands, press "y" if the shell asks for install confirmation.
sudo yum updateUpdates all software patches on the instance.
sudo suSwitching to root user
yum install httpdInstalls Apache server
service httpd startStarts Apache server
yum install php php-mysqlInstalls PHP
yum install mysql-serverInstalls MySQL
service mysqld startStarts MySQL server
mysqladmin -uroot create myblogmyblog will the name of the database in this example)
mysql_secure_installationFollow these steps:
* Enter current password for root: just press enter key
* Set root password? : Y (enter password twice)
* Remove Anonymous Users? : Y
* Disallow root login remotely: Y
* Remove test database and access to it? : Y
* Reload privileges table now? : Y
cd /var/www/htmlGo to this directory
wget the latest version of Wordpress
tar -xzvf latest.tar.gzExtract Wordpress
mv wordpress myblogRename the the blog to myblog
cd myblogGo to the myblog directory
mv wp-config-sample.php wp-config.phpRename the php config file.
vi wp-config.phpEdit the wp-config.php file with the given information :
* define('DB_NAME', 'myblog')
* define('DB_USER', 'root')
* define('DB_PASSWORD', 'yourpassword')
* press escape key
* :wq! (to save and exit)
service httpd restartRestarts Apache server

Now, open your browser, and enter : http://IPAddress/myblog  (in our case,
Your Wordpress blog's Admin installation page should be ready for configuration.
If your web server is running on port 8080, then use the url :

Saturday, May 23, 2015

How to find lines not containing (matching) a string in Notepad++

 In Notepad++, you might have a requirement to find or replace lines which do NOT match a particular string.
Lets say you have the following lines in your text file - and you would like to the find lines NOT containing the string "USA"

Apple - USA
Airbus - France
Google -USA
SAP - Germany

For this, you will have to use the Notepad++ Regex find option

Here's how:
  • Press Ctrl + F to pop open the Find dialog box
  • Select the Regular Expression radio button
  • Type in the find box : ^(?!.*USA).*$ 
  • Now find or replace.
Here are couple of awesome books to understand more about Regular expressions :

Here's a screenshot of my notepad++ screen.